albert hoffman, lsd, bikes, and kentmere 100.

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41319 Bicycle Day Kentmere 100 147-EditLast Friday, a group of students at Evergreen State College gathered to ride their bikes in commemoration of Albert Hoffman and his bike ride on April 19, 1943. He synthesized the drug LSD, in 1938, for medical uses, but it was not until that fateful day in 1943 that he took a dose of 250 micrograms to see if he could replicate the same effects he experienced three days earlier when some of the drug was absorbed through his fingertips and he felt a dizzy, dreamlike state. He achieved a strong hallucinatory experience and left the lab and rode home on a bike while on the drug. The question today is whether LSD or any other psychedelic has a place in our society. At Evergreen there is a student group named GAPS(Greeners Association for Psychedelic Studies) that wants that question part of the public dialog. The group sponsored the event Friday as a way to inform others about the issue, with Daisy Sky Shangrow, the group’s coordinator, giving a brief statement of what the group is trying to achieve.

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I created these images using Kentmere Film. I have not shot the film before and was surprised at the number of ways people develop it. I decided on using D-76(1:1) and develop the film for 11 minutes, 15 seconds, @20C. The film was shot using the Nikon F100 with the Nikon 50mm 1.8g lens.

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5 Replies to “albert hoffman, lsd, bikes, and kentmere 100.”

  1. I’ve shot several hundred feet of K100, also developed solely in D76 1:1. After experimenting 10-14 minutes at 68-70 deg, I’ve landed at 11 1/2 minutes with 5 inversions every 30 seconds. Typically use a yellow filter on the SLR, none on the Vito II (thanks again Jim Grey, I really enjoy that camera), and both work well but I like the slight edge on outdoor contrast that the yellow filter gives. And it’s easy to spool up on the Nikkor tank once one gets used to the thinner base. It dries flat, which makes it easy to scan and enlarge with equipment that doesn’t trap the negative between sheets of special glass (I use an Epson V600 and a Beseler 23c).
    I’ve exposed it at ASA50 with a blue or dark green filter in muggy and in winter weather to get a very nice ethereal effect. Decrease development time by about 10%. I haven’t tried pushing it; I believe that God created TriX for faster film desires (I like K100 either at ASA100 or 50 better than pulled TriX).
    If I had to pick a go-to film, K100 would be it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have ordered a few rolls to try at 100 and 50. My development time was close to yours so I will add the 15 seconds. I do not have any filters so I will just work with the images as they come out of the camera. Thanks for your input.


  2. Steven — Wonderful images! Ever since you said you bought a roll the other day I’ve been wondering when you’d get around to shooting it and sharing your results. These images depict precisely why I like this film so much. I hope to see you using it more in the future. I know you live in Seattle where the weather can be a challenge, but the next time you have a sunny day with big clouds standing out against a bright blue sky, consider popping a yellow filter on your lens and shooting another roll. I know I already said it the other day, but when it comes to 100 speed films, Kentmere has phenomenal cloud-sky separation when paired with a yellow filter. In my admittedly fairly limited experience it creates a level of dimensionality in the sky that is difficult to achieve with other films in this ASA range.

    Jim — I know the schedule has been delayed a bit, but I can’t wait for you to start developing your own film. I think it’s going to open up a whole new range of film options for you. Being at the mercy of lab processing will be a thing of the past. You and Steven are two of my absolute favorite bloggers. Thank you both for sharing your film shooting experiences; and keep the great photos coming!

    retrocrank — I appreciate you sharing your insight with regards to K100 and your methodology. The more information like this is shared, the better off all of us are. You’ve shot a lot more of it than I have and that experience is invaluable. Ironically, I’ve basically done the opposite of you. Instead of using solvent developers like D-76, I really enjoy using high acutance developers. And I’ve never pulled K100 like you, but I have pushed it 1-2 stops with great results. You obviously get more grain, but it’s very pleasing and I personally don’t think it’s any larger than TRI-X or HP5 PLUS at box speed. Obviously that’s going to be developer and technique dependent. So apparently it responds well to either pushing or pulling. It seems that it is just an incredibly flexible emulsion. By changing up what speed it’s shot at and the developing method, I think K100 can achieve basically any aesthetic a person is after. It’s good stuff, and thankfully is affordable (let’s hope it stays that way).

    Take care, everyone.

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