benton. the great basin. ferrania p33. rodinal. april 2024.

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Toward the middle of the trip, my wife and I spent a few days at Benton Hot Springs. On the first morning, I rose early and hiked around the area of my cabin with my Nikon FM3a, with the Voigtlander Ultron 40mm F2 lens attached. (

I have never shot Ferrania P33. In developing the film, I decided to make it simple and use Rodinal (1:25) at 5 minutes.


When looking at the chart above, I noted that I should agitate the film 4 times every minute. Usually, when developing film, I agitate at specific intervals, either at the beginning of each minute or at specific 30-second intervals. Alex Luyckx ( developed his first roll using constant agitation. I decided to just agitate the film four times each minute during the first 10 seconds of each minute.

The rope around this area is new. In the past, there was complete access to it.

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